Karma is the sanskrit word for "action." Karma yoga is the yoga of action. Karma yoga is selfless service.
In karma yoga, one serve others without attachment to outcome.
My karma yoga practice is serving women incarcerated by providing them with the tools to achieve enlightenment through kriya yoga. I am serving God and my community in this way. I encourage everyone to develop a karma yoga practice. What is it that you love to do? Share this action with others and you will experience the divinity that resides in all beings.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna explains to Arjuna the rewards of practicing karma yoga. He says that serving others without attachment is the quickest path to God. Discover this for yourself by giving your time to those less fortunate. There are many people, animals and other living beings waiting to receive the gifts only you can give them!
Nikki at South Boise Women's Correctional Center, Boise, Idaho
When I returned from the 200 hours intensive training at Ananda, I received my calling during meditation. I was told to go to the prison and teach inmates kriya yoga. It is an honor to teach women incarcerated. I feel blessed to be allowed the opportunity to extend yogic teachings to such incredibly strong and vital women. The Blue Flower Yoga program at South Boise Women's Correctional Center is called: Raja Yoga, A Spiritual Practice for Women Incarcerated. I began the program November 1, 2002. We meet each Friday night. It is the highlight of the week for all of us!
Blue Flower Yoga is eager to extend this opportunity to other women incarcerated in the United States and abroad. We are also excited to train other yoga instructors, who are looking for a karma yoga practice, to work with the women in prison in their own states. If you are a bhakti yogi, a certified yoga instructor and/or a kriyaban, and you feel the call to work with some of the most incredible people in the world (women in prison) teaching raja yoga, please email me at info@bluefloweryoga.com. Karma yoga is rewarding for everyone. Remember, there is no pay involved. This is a work of Divine Love!
If you are a person who is feeling extraordinarily generous and would like to donate money to extend the practice to women incarcerated, we are open to receiving your gifts! So many women could benefit from remembering their true divine nature and many of these women are sitting behind bars. We thank you in advance for even considering supporting our mission!
Practicing trikonasana at the prison. We are mentally affirming, "Energy and joy flood my body cells. Joy descends to me." There is a lot of joy in our practice. Although these women are incarcerated, kriya yoga brings them more freedom than many people experience in the world outside of prison.